Stream Mitigation

CESO and CONSOL Energy have a strong partnership, with CESO supporting CONSOL’s annual stream restoration projects

SERVICES: Environmental

These projects are typically located near coal mining sites, where the surface of streams can often be affected by subsidence. Our environmental team aids in cleaning up the streams – helping restore their natural functionality, which mining operations have impacted. In 2023, we performed 3,900 linear feet of stream restoration for CONSOL.

Our role does not stop there. In addition to our stream restoration services, our team assists the client in finding ways to save costs where applicable. We also act as a client representative, meeting with the client’s drilling and grouting contractor to monitor stream flow, provide direction for successful restoration, and ensure all operations comply with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP).

Our environmental team has found success with CONSOL Energy by maintaining a dedicated team to uphold consistency in each project we undertake. The most gratifying component of helping restore streams for CONSOL is that we can repair the environment instead of impacting it.